Marriage Address for Rev. Peter Skaller and Phylis Skaller on their Golden Wedding~ by Rev. Susan Locey
Fifty years is a long time in today’s world! Yet you have traveled an even longer path together, all the way from the moon. When you first met in New York City those many years ago, something sparked between you—was it perhaps a flash from that sphere of the moon?
It continued to flash as you discovered more and more what each had carried from that sphere of the moon—the ideals, the interests, but also the challenges, the “imperfections.” And over the years and decades, you’ve helped unpack each other’s luggage full of treasures but also the garbage, tucked into the karmic baggage. And you’ve helped each other look at all that stuff. There were sparks of joy that guided you to value what to keep and to admire. But then the rest of it… what to do when there is no “garbage can” in the spiritual world to throw out karmic garbage? Especially the other person’s “stuff.”
Over the years you have both developed techniques for sorting and evaluating, by which we can all be inspired:
- How to carry those irritants, learning how and when to be quiet.
- How to create a family life to nurture and lead everyone to the good for the whole family.
- How to strengthen rhythm in life, so disharmony has its place and can fit in like voices coming in at different places in a fugue.
- And schooled by the peer counseling techniques of Re-evaluation Counseling, you both learned how to listen, to hear deeply through passionate arguments the still, small voice of conscience. The voice of conscience from both sides!
In time and with good will, your senses have been transformed and you have learned new ways of seeing, of hearing, of balance and movement.
The Spirit of our Age, Michael, has endowed your fighting spirits with power to fight for and against many causes, but ultimately the goal of life—that all-important sense of life—has shone before you. But this goal of LIFE has also exerted pressure out of the future, and begun to teach you transformation: you’ve been learning to spin gold from straw, diamonds from lumps of coal, pearls from your irritations.
When you could not do this on your own, you found friends all over the world, including Robert and Elena, who could stand by you and help to hold you during the dark times.
And now, after half a century together, you are preparing for the last great journey—not back to the moon—but towards the sun. And your suitcases will be very heavy with all the gold you bring. But don’t worry! The Being of the Sun, the Son Spirit himself, will meet you at the gate of community of life, and His light, love and peace will bless you.